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Vice governor of jiangxi provincial people’s government, party member Wu zhongqiong came to our company for investigation
Release Date: 2020.04.08


On the afternoon of April 7, 2020, Wu zhongqiong, vice governor of Jiangxi Provincial People's government and member of the Party group, came to our company to investigate the development of Yingtan copper industry. Yang Guiping, director of the Department of industry and information technology of Jiangxi Province, and Luo Xiaolin, deputy director of Jiangxi Financial Supervision Bureau participated in the investigation.

Yu Xiuming, mayor of Yingtan City, Liao Liangsheng, deputy mayor, Li Weiguo, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the high tech Zone, Yang Peng, director of the Management Committee of the high tech Zone, Xi Zhixin, Secretary General of the municipal government, Gao Hua, director of the Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology and other leaders accompanied the investigation.

Xu henglei, executive vice president, Luo Haifeng, executive director, Zhang Xuan, and Xiong Weiqin, financial manager of the company gave warm reception.




Xu henglei, executive vice president of the company, first reported the overall operation of the company and the production situation after the resumption of production to Governor Wu, and also reported the new projects that the company will go online this year.

Later, he led Wu provincial governor and his party to go deep into the production workshop to see the resumption of production and on-site management of the enterprise.






Seeing the hot production scene in the workshop, Governor Wu gave full affirmation to Kangcheng company. She stressed that we should constantly consolidate the existing production foundation of the enterprise, persist in technological innovation, promote transformation, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and further improve business efficiency. At the same time, the relevant departments of the province and the city are required to give the maximum support and services to the enterprises, so as to help them become bigger and stronger.